Sunday, August 12, 2007

Why I created this

At first I really didn't understand why blogging was so popular. I wondered "why would anyone want to share their thoughts for all to see?" But then I realized that everyday I am thinking so many things but I am never able to share them for whatever reasons. So many of us have very intelligent and well pondered thoughts and really are worth SHARING! So as I have read some of my friends, I thought I am going to do this too. I can share my family photos and what I am up to and what I think about and dream about. This can be a great way to reach out to people that we want to and for whatever reasons can't. So I hope you can be inspired and also get to know me a little better too. I will have more later...enjoy.

1 comment:

gia said...


I love your's so YOU!! I love your passion for your family you are an amazing mother and wife. They are sooo lucky to have you!! I am so glad that we met and you are incredible friend..thank you girl...keep bloggin....isn't it fun??? Miss you soon...hugs...g.ia