Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here we are at Leader Retreat in Dallas, TX

After brainstorming, learning, training, getting inspired, remembering our passions, we had a fun Texas style night!! Do we look like cowgirls??????

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Milestone..

gracie has been waiting for her 1st loose tooth to come out for weeks, I on the other hand have been in denial that it is actually loose. Acknowledging that it is loose would mean two things: the first being that I would have to watch it all over again and endure pain for her and all that blood (this was not on my favorite things to do list as a kid) and secondly, once again I would have to be reminded that I remember THAT tooth growing in, and now thus, our little girl is just getting bigger everyday. Robert helped her get it out finally on Sunday.

a little bit of sad

the finished product..

now a very happy girl that it is over and she can eat normally again, well I suppose. Another reason she is happy, because she is ecstatic to go to school and show her friends that she, too, can lose teeth :)
it's very frustrating to be misunderstood, especially from those that you think know you well. Even more frustrating, is when you are trying to voice something and no one is listening. I think everyone needs to be listened to, not just heard. A little bit of what I am feeling today. What about you?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

and now here's Gracie!

...she thoroughly enjoyed herself as well.
Christmas was so special and magical, the lights in their eyes-what a sight!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Some Christmas Pics

What Santa brought....
and Cole thoroughly enjoying himself....
more to come of Gracie!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 2008!

we are all snuggled here in our house waiting for the storm to come. i look forward to that....:) What resolutions did everyone make?