Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sat. night...

We were invited to a BBQ at a lady, Eileen's, house who owns a winery. It was an appreciation dinner for Robert, Don and Greg (Golden Crown Productions) for all of their hardwork over the summer putting on the concerts. It was so beautiful out there--overlooking Temecula. It is called Villa de Amor. The kids got to run around--there was so much land. It was fantastic. Robert played quitar and sang with the other guys so that was fun for him (As you can see in the picture). Bryan came this weekend and joined us too, so that made the kids happy. This place was beautiful. They hold weddings there too. Right when we got there though, I wondered how long will it take for one of my kids to get hurt? Boom! Cole sat on the hammock and flipped over and fell right on his eye :( We had fun but I was tired after running around all night. Tell me what your day consisted of??? Goodnight!!

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