NOTE: I NEED A DATE NIGHT and I think I can speak for my husband - SO DOES HE!
I didn't realize how important date nights were until AFTER we had kids. Then we had babies and we didn't have anyone to leave our children with, especially as babies. We had to learn to accept that and "ride it out" until they were a little older and when we felt a little more reassured that the kids would be OK and wouldn't die if we left for an evening! AHHH...the joys of first time parents! To say that we thought we were going to lose our minds (without having any breaks or time to be together ALONE w/o kids) for YEARS, is an understatement.
Now that the kids are older we do take date nights. But still not as often as I wish we could. I would be happy with 1 date every 2 weeks. More like I think we NEED one every two weeks. I think all couples do. It's more like once a month or sometimes as long as once EVERY TWO months! That is just ridiculous. About 3 yrs. ago, we actually got the opportunity to get a TRIP AWAY for 6 days! At that point we had been married for 10 yrs. and realized it was our first getaway (except one that was 2 days about 5 yrs. prior) and we WERE IN HEAVEN and realized that we thrived from that trip.
Rule of thumb- Take date nights as often as you CAN! Take a one night getaway every other month and try to take an extended trip (5+ days) once a year!!
Start by taking a Date TONIGHT and on the date pencil on your calendar when your next trip is going to be!!
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