Friday, October 30, 2009

Student of the Month Day and Vocabulary Hat Day

Gracie received Student of the Month today. She was surprised and acted shy, but she is getting better when recognized in front of a crowd. SOTM students are recognized and get to sit with their parents after the awards presentation and enjoy snacks. They wear their sticker all day so that people can congratulate them. Throughout the month they get interviewed and receive the honor of being the leader in their class, among other little things. Cole and I were very proud of her (Daddy too even though he was unable to be there)! Keep rockin' it Gracie!!

Today was also Vocabulary Hat Day. The students choose a word and then make a hat and draw out the definition of their word. Then they wear it and do a parade through the classrooms to show off their hats. Love Gracie's word! And her beautiful pictures to go along with it!

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