Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Milestone..

gracie has been waiting for her 1st loose tooth to come out for weeks, I on the other hand have been in denial that it is actually loose. Acknowledging that it is loose would mean two things: the first being that I would have to watch it all over again and endure pain for her and all that blood (this was not on my favorite things to do list as a kid) and secondly, once again I would have to be reminded that I remember THAT tooth growing in, and now thus, our little girl is just getting bigger everyday. Robert helped her get it out finally on Sunday.

a little bit of pain..so sad

the finished product..

now a very happy girl that it is over and she can eat normally again, well I suppose. Another reason she is happy, because she is ecstatic to go to school and show her friends that she, too, can lose teeth :)


Anonymous said...

what a cute story....so happy for her

Julie AMC Fan said...

Oh dear, little doll, I remember a little toothless girl too.
Love, Mom/Grandma

GG said...

Sweet Lamb, glad the first one is over with. Keep smiling Trina, all part of her growing up. Just cherish the loving memories.
Love to all, GG