Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
hope yours was happy. ours was. we woke up to see the looks on the kids' faces when they saw their new bikes that Santa left for them. It was great..they were really happy and jolly all day. so thankful for the gifts they got. i am going to post pics really soon. time to go to bed, what an exhausting day but FUN.
Monday, December 24, 2007
christmas eve..
such excitement around here. the kids are running around singing, shouting, you name it. All they can say is "Santa is coming tonight, what do you think he is going to bring?" I absolutely love it all. They are so full of wonderment and awe. It really is thrilling. Gracie and Cole have already drawn some pictures and written some letters for Santa to read while he eats his milk and cookies. It just makes me smile. I love the innocence and will treasure this always. This will be Cole's 1st real strong memory of Christmas and what it is about. He is fully aware this year as he dances around and talks about Santa and "Cismas." hope it is a happy memory for you too....
Saturday, December 22, 2007
my friend Kim and I were talking today and she was telling me how she loves the word 'believe.' I said, "me too." So she was my inspiration for my title. Believing in something means everything and will propel you forward. So BELIEVE this season and always....
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 21, 2007
Ice Skating for Mommy's birthday-- a great NEW tradition
FVES 1st Grade Christmas Performance
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Festivities of the season...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Speaking of Teenage Years...Bryan
Fall days...and is Santa real?
It's feeling a bit like Fall, not quite but better than lately. gracie is on her T-day break and we are hanging out watching movies and getting to be lazy-something we don't get to often do since we are up everyday racing off to school. Gracie has informed us that her bottom tooth is loose (omg, I hope not.) Robert says it is..but I am in denial. That i just am not ready for. She, however, has been waiting to have a tooth that is loose. Thanks to all of her friends at school..who have been losing teeth. Robert and I have our mixed feelings about the influences at school. We know it is inevitable, but it is truly hard. She hears all sorts of things and we just don't know how to answer it all. For example. Cole, Gracie and I were cruising through Target the other day, and Gracie asks, "mommy are you just really Santa Clause and you leave everything?" I think I came off very calmly and collected. I said, "are you kidding, do you really think I could pull off everything he does--that is too much magic for even me!" She seemed satisfied. And smiled and said, "yeah, you are right." Robert is convinced that someone told her that at school because she told him a story about what someone said about the tooth fairy--that it is "our parents" !! That just makes me mad.
Cole is really in the throws of being 3. And it is difficult. Everything is a tantrum, a whining conversation and a scowl on the face. He is driving me up the wall but I still kiss that scowling face. He is not the mellow kid I thought he would be-not now anyway. Everything is "yuck", "no", "eewhh", "poopie" or something to that effect. He is familiar with soap in the mouth. So now he is getting it and knows his mouth needs to be clean. He is really into his trains right now and "building train tracks." He loves "T.B." (T.V.) and his "gay gay" (gracie). Mom and Dad are OK when he needs us and always especially needs the other one when the other one is disciplining him. He is not as loving these days. He used to come up to me all the time and hug, kiss and jump on me. Telling me he loved me, etc. Not so much now (I Pray that is only a phase.)
Every night Robert and I have bittersweet feelings about our children growing up right in front of our very eyes. We know it is happening, despite what we think we can do to stop it, but it truly makes us sad. We will never have this time again. As crazy we get now at this age, we dread the teenage years. Since that is scary just saying it.
I hope you all have bright days...
Love, Trina
Cole is really in the throws of being 3. And it is difficult. Everything is a tantrum, a whining conversation and a scowl on the face. He is driving me up the wall but I still kiss that scowling face. He is not the mellow kid I thought he would be-not now anyway. Everything is "yuck", "no", "eewhh", "poopie" or something to that effect. He is familiar with soap in the mouth. So now he is getting it and knows his mouth needs to be clean. He is really into his trains right now and "building train tracks." He loves "T.B." (T.V.) and his "gay gay" (gracie). Mom and Dad are OK when he needs us and always especially needs the other one when the other one is disciplining him. He is not as loving these days. He used to come up to me all the time and hug, kiss and jump on me. Telling me he loved me, etc. Not so much now (I Pray that is only a phase.)
Every night Robert and I have bittersweet feelings about our children growing up right in front of our very eyes. We know it is happening, despite what we think we can do to stop it, but it truly makes us sad. We will never have this time again. As crazy we get now at this age, we dread the teenage years. Since that is scary just saying it.
I hope you all have bright days...
Love, Trina
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I am currently trying to figure out how to post the video of gracie receiving Student of the Month. So check back, I'll figure it out-I hope!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Well Gracie received her Student of the Month Award today. She was so happy--we got so many great pictures of the event. Here is one of us outside displaying her "proud accomplishment." Cole did Ok, pretty impatient, but he hung in there. Gracie's teacher read aloud a beautiful letter that she had written about Gracie. And she was awarded a Mimi's cafe certificate for a free kid's meal. Oh, and I of course, got the bumper sticker I can put on my car displaying Gracie's achievements. It was a happy morning..I hope your Halloween is safe and full of laughter.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sat. night...

We were invited to a BBQ at a lady, Eileen's, house who owns a winery. It was an appreciation dinner for Robert, Don and Greg (Golden Crown Productions) for all of their hardwork over the summer putting on the concerts. It was so beautiful out there--overlooking Temecula. It is called Villa de Amor. The kids got to run around--there was so much land. It was fantastic. Robert played quitar and sang with the other guys so that was fun for him (As you can see in the picture). Bryan came this weekend and joined us too, so that made the kids happy. This place was beautiful. They hold weddings there too. Right when we got there though, I wondered how long will it take for one of my kids to get hurt? Boom! Cole sat on the hammock and flipped over and fell right on his eye :( We had fun but I was tired after running around all night. Tell me what your day consisted of??? Goodnight!!

Friday, October 19, 2007
Fall is here..but it doesn't feel like it in Temecula
Today we had visions of seeing our friends and going through the corn maze and checking out all of the pumpkins--I pictured it in my mind as a cold and blistery day...no such luck!! When I left my house at 3 pm it was 80 degrees in OUR house. Ughhh...still we had a good time. But definitely not the FALL we wish for...what did you do today?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Oct 11th, hmmmm....we got to see some old friends today and have dinner, although not very relaxing or much talking time since the kids were a little wild, our 3 and 6 yr olds and their 2 and 3yr olds.....picture that!! We had a nice visit though. We had hoped to make it to the pumpkin patch but not enough time.
We found out today that Gracie has been selected to be Student of the Month, a very high honor according to Ms. Sumner...As only a few are honored throughout the year. Gracie has no idea and will not know until she is called up at the assembly in the multi purpose room in a couple of weeks. This is so exciting. I clearly remember being honored with Top Citizen of the Month when I was young too!! And ironically Gracie and I were just talking about it and she was asking me if I remembered. Anyway, we are so proud of her and I will be sure and post some pictures.....
We found out today that Gracie has been selected to be Student of the Month, a very high honor according to Ms. Sumner...As only a few are honored throughout the year. Gracie has no idea and will not know until she is called up at the assembly in the multi purpose room in a couple of weeks. This is so exciting. I clearly remember being honored with Top Citizen of the Month when I was young too!! And ironically Gracie and I were just talking about it and she was asking me if I remembered. Anyway, we are so proud of her and I will be sure and post some pictures.....
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Gracie and her teacher, Ms. Sumner, whom she ADORES.
Cole's Mommy and Me
We have started Mommy and Me again, but this time it is Cole. It is the same class I have taken Gracie to for all these years. We LOVE the teacher, Mrs. Russo, and we are having a great time. We meet once a week on Tues. It is growing on Cole, finally. He seems to enjoy it, but acts very shy. We even celebrated his birthday there too. He is happy though because he is going to school like Gracie and has a back pack.
Hello, from Brownie Girl
Hey there, just a quick hello. We are getting the carpets cleaned today so I am running around getting things picked up. Gracie had her 1st Brownie meeting yesterday. She has officially graduated from Daisies and bridged over to Brownies. She loves it--it is so cool to look over and see the girls all in brown now instead of blue. Here is a photo!! Please, Please, Please let us know you are reading this and leave any comments you wish--we don't know who is out there and we love to all come and read!!! Love to everyone,
Monday, October 8, 2007
thanks for "peeking" into our lives...
I am going to try and work on getting a post up once a day, even if it's just short and sweet. But we love that you can see what we are up to day to day. AND I personally love the comments!! You should create your own blog at:
You go up to the top right hand corner and hit "Create blog." It's fun.
You go up to the top right hand corner and hit "Create blog." It's fun.
No, not the Tea Cup Ride, just photo opp!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Hunga Bunga
Robert takes the kids on hikes in the Santa Rosa Plateau, which is where "Hunga Bunga" lives. They go there and tell stories and have picnics ( sometimes I try and go, but usually I have a SPA party). Robert took them there yesterday and they had a great time. Cole told me "'Hunga Bunga' was hiding". :)
Monday, October 1, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Disneyland Days
Disneyland was really fun. We went last week and we had a great family adventure. Gracie was tall enough to go on every single ride except for Indiana Jones. When we were on Space Mountain--she thought of you Grandma. She thinks its neat that you like roller coasters, Mommy likes them and now she likes them. She really isn't afraid to try anything. She felt bad for Cole because he wasn't quite tall enough for all of them. It was really hit and miss. Most of the rides there are 40", so some they approved him to go on. For instance, he was all set to go on Space Mountain, we all walked up there and they told him No. He CRIED his eyes out and wanted to go on there with Gracie and Daddy. He kept saying "Cole big! Cole Big." It was really sad. Then we went over to Splash Mountain and he made it on that too!!! It was a great trip--we had great family bonding time.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
September: the month my babies turn 3 & 6!!!!

Family day at the beach on Sept. 1st--Gracie's birthday. I can hardly believe it. We had a miraculous day. It started out with our drive down to La Jolla Shores in San Diego. We met Loraine, Michael, Kyle and Tyler there. They drove from Vegas to stay with us for the weekend. It had been awhile since the families got to spend time together and it worked out to be in time to celebrate Gracie's 6th BIRTHDAY!!!!! The weather was gorgeous and just in time to get away from this extremely muggy, stifiling air here in Temecula. We have never had humidity like this. Minimally a 40% humidity factor. Ughhh....no thanks.
We spent the day frolicking in the waves and Gracie did her 1st ever Boogie board ride all by herself. Cole is still very much afraid of the ocean and does not want to be put down. After the surf, sand and sun we packed up (boy was that a chore getting 2 families washed off in showers and changed) to head over to Hard Rock Cafe (Gracie's choice) and we had a celebration there with Cold Stone for desert. The pictures include the necklace I got her (mom/daughter) matching and then the cute kids all eating their ice cream together.
Then we headed home and had a late night swim (well Kyle and Tyler did) our kids konked out on the way home--dead to the world! Sunday we spent time swimming and Red Robin for dinner so Loraine, Michael and kids could get their traditional trip to the big happenin' mall here in Temecula. Then once again our kids were fast asleep, but they just had so much fun with Kyle and Tyler.
Monday everyone headed off and it was so fun and we miss them already. Cole kept thinking it was his birthday too. Soon buddy, next week. I just don't know where the time goes? I remember him so clearly sitting in the bouncy chair and now he is turning 3. I feel very blessed to have one of each. The different experiences I get to have are so well rounded. I love that. Boys and Girls are so different. I feel that God gave me one of each because he wanted me to learn about it all. It is with complete incredibility that I can do this everyday. I would never trade it, but I am still always exhausted. :)
I am going to bed now, I need to start getting minimally 8 hours of sleep, I get more like 6. But I can't resist the quiet house at night. I know that once I close my eyes it will be noisy again. More to come and some more pics. I am still learning about this "blogging." Robert can't believe his wife Blogs, but in a good way.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
the "everydays"
Well, we have gotten through the 1st week of 1st grade!! Gracie LOVED every minute of it and was in fact named the 1st High Flyer of the year (this is equivalent to Student of the Week)! She was called up at the assembly and was very nervous and shy. Would not look at anyone or smile. She told us that her stomach got very jumpy when she heard her name. She really is our "school girl." She just loves it so much. I am doing surprisingly well. I have managed through the day with Cole, but I do miss her. The days go by quick and it seems that I am putting her to bed as quickly as I got her up that morning. So I have developed a fun incentive for the kids depending on how their week goes (getting out the door in the morning, getting their little jobs done, good behavior and bed time) we call it "Ice cream Friday!" So we get to have a fun afternoon on Fridays!! They love this! We are having a good time. I will post some fun pics soon! AND the reason I am not now is because, Guess what????? My computer crashed tonight--so now that is a headache for us because of course your computer is like your car!!! LUCKILY, I had backed up my files earlier. I hope to be back on line by the end of the week. Right now I am on Robert's lap top. We have a busy week ahead--so I am off to sleep. I hope to hear from you guys. Take Care and goodnight!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Well, I have been trying to figure out how to put up a picture over to the right of where you are reading. I am trying to put Bryan up there but I can't figure it out. Anyone know how? I know how to add pictures into a post and that is it. Cole and Gracie are very excited about going to Disneyland. They managed to find the DVD all by themselves today and play it!! So they were watching Disneyland rides & Gracie was wondering if Cole would be tall enough to ride all the ones she can. I don't think she wants him to miss out like she remembers missing out on rides (specifically the raft ride at California Adventure). She has been waiting to go on that one forever! I have explained to her that he won't be able to go on it. It will just be the two of us because Robert doesn't like to get wet and then have to walk around. So Gracie and I get to get soaked :) By the way, Disneyland is still another 5 weeks away and so it is going to be a LONG 5 weeks.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Happy 9 yr. wedding anniversary to us!
Can you believe it? I sure can't. It seems like yesterday when I was walking down the aisle. Here we are. We actually are going to get a date this week? Can YOU believe that? Robert and I are always switching off with the kids while the other is working our businesses....now we can have some time to celebrate.
1 week until Gracie starts 1st grade!
I am having a difficult time with Gracie starting 1st grade. I know it is because it is ALL day and this means the beginning of a whole new life for us all. We are so used to her being with us the majority of the time. Now she will come home at nearly 3:30 everyday, begin her homework and then there is dinner. Then we have baths, reading and on to bed. And before I know it, where has the time gone...and I have barely seen Gracie?? It really makes me cry. I hope I am expressing this as deeply as I feel, but I am not ready for her to move on to this phase. I know she is so excited but I don't even know if she understands that this is a big transition in her life, not to mention her parent's lives....I also know there is nothing I can do to stop it, except for Home Schooling, but I know home schooling is not for us. Any advice on how to come to terms with this just a little easier...??? I am trying not to go to bed too sad. This has hit me hard today --It is only 1 week away.
Why I created this
At first I really didn't understand why blogging was so popular. I wondered "why would anyone want to share their thoughts for all to see?" But then I realized that everyday I am thinking so many things but I am never able to share them for whatever reasons. So many of us have very intelligent and well pondered thoughts and really are worth SHARING! So as I have read some of my friends, I thought I am going to do this too. I can share my family photos and what I am up to and what I think about and dream about. This can be a great way to reach out to people that we want to and for whatever reasons can't. So I hope you can be inspired and also get to know me a little better too. I will have more later...enjoy.
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